Fees & ChargesChamäleon Headhunting charges are slightly more expensive than our standard recruitment fees. Below is a breakdown of the stages together with the related fees payable. To discuss your requirements further please contact us (click here) or ask for a call back (click here). Telephone Consultation This stage of the process is to identify key targets and requirements. You will be expected to provide a list of potential candidates along with a detailed job specification including salaries, commissions and approximate package offerings FREE - there is NO CHARGE at this stage Identify, Contact and Arrange Initial Interview One of our experienced Chamäleon Headhunters will look to identify a direct way to contact your target and arrange the first round interview. Only once the candidate has accepted and attended the interview would a fee for this service be payable Fixed Fee Payable - subject to requirements Candidate Placement Additional interviews after the first round stage, will not incur any fees Upon agreement of contract and final completion of candidate placement, a final Headhunt Recruitment fee is payable Percentage Fee Payable - subject to candidate gross remuneration "we research, target and hunt-down....who you want, when you want!"