On-The-Job Evolution Training
This service is for those who are stuck in that ‘Catch 22’ situation whereby you're literally banging your head against a brick wall trying to knock it down but with no luck.
The ‘vicious cycle of rejection’ exists where employers will only employ individuals on the basis that they have experience.
You look elsewhere in search of gaining that relevant experience only to be rejected again and again on the basis that you do not have the relevant experience.

Guess what....you need experience? So this is where Evolution can help.
We will get you a short term period of employment with no salary at one of our client’s or partners offices where you can shadow and learn on-the-job within your chosen industry. This is a non-paid role and is the perfect way to put that all important ‘first experience’ on your CV and who knows... you might be liked that much by the company that the wish to take you on, on a full time basis!
This service covers the following:
> Property & Real Estate
> Broking & Finance
> Entertainment, Media and Advertising
> Hotel & Leisure
> IT Support & Software Sales
For £750 you are able to gain that priceless experience that so many employers require.